i had to clock in over 300 hours to even ATTEMPT using it. and dont even get me started on the complicated editor.

you could barely turn the planes, the physics were weird and poorly made. i know this is a hot, hot take but the game before this update was shite. First of all, im sick and tired of seeing these folks complain about the new controls and update. go to LOCAL on the workshop then toggle legacy creations on :). The Gun 2x2x2 Ballistic is a weapon used to counter the toughest of opponents, and is the best option against Battle crafts or late-game Conquest crafts, by far.Alright, well first of all to all those people saying that they cant access their old creations, you actually can. Here, the cost matters less, as it's usual use cases either dictates that one has already earned plenty of money in Conquest or are playing Battle, where vehicles have no cost. In this role, it can also benefit from stacked or staggered fire, allowing it to deal more damage to the enemy tanks. The Gun 2x2x2 Ballistic is often seen as the only effective counter to these vehicles, being the only gun able to deal significant enough damage to penetrate their armor. In Conquest and especially Battle servers, it is likely that one will come across some very heavily armored opponents, usually using advanced armor mechanics to become nearly invincible.

This technically also makes it easier to hit enemy airborne targets, although its lack of splash and large reload time makes it impractical for this job. Its higher muzzle velocity allows it to consistently hit enemy ground targets (its main focus). The Gun 2x2x2 Ballistic is best used against very heavily armored opponents, as its round deals a lot of damage to heavier bricks, although it lacks the splash damage of the Gun 2x2x2. It is commonly referred to as the AP (Armor Piercing) cannon, or ballistic cannon. It costs 80u in Conquest and Zombie game modes.

The Gun 2x4x4 is one of the five gun blocks in Brick Rigs.