This way you can use those strategies and confidence when you face larger fears. It can also help you learn what strategies work to help you deal with your fear. Starting small can help build confidence in yourself as you overcome each new challenge. X Research source Instead, try challenging your fear a little at a time. You don’t have to try to tackle all of your fears and even fears that distress you the most. Licensed Psychologist & TEDx Speaker Expert Interview. Facing your fears is one of the best ways to make them less scary. Avoiding your fears is always tempting since it makes you feel better in the short term, but avoidance actually ends up making your fears grow and become worse.Ask a friend to accompany you to scary situations and prompt you to use your relaxation techniques when you start to get nervous.Don't force yourself too far out of your comfort zone until you have practiced these techniques many times. Practice relaxation techniques to help you through frightening situations.Before you jump into the deep end of the pool, however, you need to learn to swim: Facing your fear can help you realize that the situation isn’t as bad as you imagined, and it builds your confidence when you show yourself that you can handle it. Did something happen in your past to make you uneasy about similar situations? How did you (or the affected person) handle the situation? Ask yourself why those specific things scare you.For instance, you may be okay with being independent and responsible for everything, but being alone may scare you. Highlight those things that make you anxious about the situation.For example, living alone will mean being independent, spending more time alone, and being responsible for everything. Write down what this situation meant or will mean for you.For example, you may fear living on your own after a divorce. Think about the last time you feared the unknown or about something you’re afraid of now.In the meantime, you can start with some self-reflection: X Research source It is often easier to get insight into other people than about ourselves, so consider talking to a trusted friend or a therapist who can help you identify patterns or connections. Figuring out what exactly you’re afraid of about unknown situations and why you’re afraid can help you overcome the fear. Fear of the unknown often has an underlying cause you may not be aware of.